
Calendar extends PDO
in package

SabreDav PDO CalDAV backend class.

Table of Contents

$calendarChangesTableName  : string
The table name that will be used for tracking changes in calendars.
$calendarInstancesTableName  : string
The table name that will be used for calendars instances.
$calendarObjectTableName  : string
The table name that will be used for calendar objects.
$calendarSubscriptionsTableName  : string
The table name that will be used for calendar subscriptions.
$calendarTableName  : string
The table name that will be used for calendars.
$schedulingObjectTableName  : string
The table name that will be used inbox items.
deleteCalendarObject()  : mixed
Deletes an existing calendar object.



The table name that will be used for tracking changes in calendars.

public string $calendarChangesTableName = 'dav_calendarchanges'


The table name that will be used for calendars instances.

public string $calendarInstancesTableName = 'dav_calendarinstances'

A single calendar can have multiple instances, if the calendar is shared.


The table name that will be used for calendar objects.

public string $calendarObjectTableName = 'dav_calendarobjects'


The table name that will be used for calendar subscriptions.

public string $calendarSubscriptionsTableName = 'dav_calendarsubscriptions'


The table name that will be used for calendars.

public string $calendarTableName = 'dav_calendars'


The table name that will be used inbox items.

public string $schedulingObjectTableName = 'dav_schedulingobjects'



Deletes an existing calendar object.

public deleteCalendarObject(mixed $calendarId, string $objectUri) : mixed

The object uri is only the basename, or filename and not a full path.

$calendarId : mixed
$objectUri : string
Return values


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