
in package

Configuration file: Config\Components\InterestsConflict.

Table of Contents

$confirmationTimeInterval  : mixed
Time interval that defines how often the system should force a confirmation about the absence of conflict of interests.
$confirmUsersAccess  : mixed
Access to confirmation panel, users ids
$isActive  : mixed
Is the conflict of interests functionality enabled?.
$modules  : mixed
List of modules where the conflict of interests mechanism is enabled.
$notificationsEmails  : mixed
Email addresses for notifications.
$sendMailAccessRequest  : mixed
E-mail sent to the person requesting access.
$sendMailAccessResponse  : mixed
E-mail sent to the above people.
$unlockUsersAccess  : mixed
Email addresses for notifications, users ids



Time interval that defines how often the system should force a confirmation about the absence of conflict of interests.

public static mixed $confirmationTimeInterval = '30 day'

30 day, 5 weeks, 2 month, 2 years.


Access to confirmation panel, users ids

public static mixed $confirmUsersAccess = []


Is the conflict of interests functionality enabled?.

public static mixed $isActive = false


List of modules where the conflict of interests mechanism is enabled.

public static mixed $modules = []


Email addresses for notifications.

public static mixed $notificationsEmails = ''


E-mail sent to the person requesting access.

public static mixed $sendMailAccessRequest = false


E-mail sent to the above people.

public static mixed $sendMailAccessResponse = false


Email addresses for notifications, users ids

public static mixed $unlockUsersAccess = []


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