
in package

Configuration file: Config\Components\Mail.

Table of Contents

$autoCompleteFields  : array<string|int, mixed>
Default auto-complete data from mail bar.
$defaultRelationModule  : string
Default selected relation module in mail bar.
Required acceptation before sending mails.
$MAILTO_LIMIT  : mixed
Recommended configuration Outlook = 2030 Thunderbird = 8036 GMAIL = 8036
List of modules from which you can choose e-mail address in the mail.
$rcDetailCheckRbl  : mixed
Check the sender in the message preview in the mail client
$rcListAcceptAutomatically  : mixed
Should the system accept spam reports automatically ?
$rcListCheckRbl  : mixed
Check the sender on the email list in the mail client
$rcListSendReportAutomatically  : mixed
Should the system send reports automatically to ?
$showEmailsInMassMail  : bool
Show emails in Mass mail view.



Default auto-complete data from mail bar.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $autoCompleteFields = ['Accounts' => ['accountname' => 'subject'], 'Leads' => ['lastname' => 'fromNameSecondPart', 'company' => 'fromName'], 'Vendors' => ['vendorname' => 'subject'], 'Partners' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'Competition' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'OSSEmployees' => ['name' => 'fromNameFirstPart', 'last_name' => 'fromNameSecondPart'], 'Contacts' => ['firstname' => 'fromNameFirstPart', 'lastname' => 'fromNameSecondPart'], 'SSalesProcesses' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'Project' => ['projectname' => 'subject'], 'ServiceContracts' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'Campaigns' => ['campaignname' => 'subject'], 'FBookkeeping' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'HelpDesk' => ['ticket_title' => 'subject'], 'ProjectMilestone' => ['projectmilestonename' => 'subject'], 'SQuoteEnquiries' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'SRequirementsCards' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'SCalculations' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'SQuotes' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'SSingleOrders' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'SRecurringOrders' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'FInvoice' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'SVendorEnquiries' => ['subject' => 'subject'], 'ProjectTask' => ['projecttaskname' => 'subject'], 'Services' => ['servicename' => 'subject'], 'Products' => ['productname' => 'subject']]

Map. Example ['Accounts' => ['accountname' => 'subject']]


Default selected relation module in mail bar.

public static string $defaultRelationModule = ''

Module name


Required acceptation before sending mails.



Recommended configuration Outlook = 2030 Thunderbird = 8036 GMAIL = 8036

public static mixed $MAILTO_LIMIT = 2030


List of modules from which you can choose e-mail address in the mail.

public static mixed $RC_COMPOSE_ADDRESS_MODULES = ['Accounts', 'Contacts', 'OSSEmployees', 'Leads', 'Vendors', 'Partners', 'Competition']


Check the sender in the message preview in the mail client

public static mixed $rcDetailCheckRbl = true


Should the system accept spam reports automatically ?

public static mixed $rcListAcceptAutomatically = false


Check the sender on the email list in the mail client

public static mixed $rcListCheckRbl = true


Should the system send reports automatically to ?

public static mixed $rcListSendReportAutomatically = false


Show emails in Mass mail view.

public static bool $showEmailsInMassMail = false


Search results