
in package

Configuration file: Config\Debug.

Table of Contents

$apiLogAllRequests  : mixed
[WebServices/API] Log to file all communications data (request + response)
$apiLogException  : mixed
[WebServices/API] Log to file only exception errors in the logs
$apiShowExceptionBacktrace  : mixed
[WebServices/API] Show exception backtrace in response body
$apiShowExceptionMessages  : mixed
[WebServices/API] Show exception messages in response body
$apiShowExceptionReasonPhrase  : mixed
[WebServices/API] Show exception reason phrase in response header
$davDebugExceptions  : mixed
API - Sabre dav - This is a flag that allows (or not) showing file, line, and code of the exception in the returned XML
$davDebugPlugin  : mixed
Activate the plugin recording log in DAV
List of IP addresses allowed to display debug console. Values: false = All IPS / "" / ["",""]
List of user IDs allowed to display debug console.
$DEBUG_CRON  : mixed
Debug cron => cache/logs/cron/
$DEBUG_VIEWER  : mixed
Debug Viewer => cache/logs/viewer-debug.log
Enable displaying logs in debug console. Values: false/true
Display main debug console
Display Smarty Debug Console
Displays information about the tracking code when an error occurs. Available only with the active SQL_DIE_ON_ERROR = true
Display logs when error exception occurs
Enable displaying logs in debug console. Values: false/true
Turn on/off the error handler
Set the error reporting level. The parameter is either an integer representing a bit field, or named constants.
Save logs to file (cache/logs/errors.log)
Display errors
$JS_DEBUG  : mixed
Turn on/off error debugging in javascript
$LOG_LEVELS  : mixed
Level of saved/displayed logs. Values: false = All / 3 = error and warning / ["error", "warning", "info", "trace", "profile"]
Categories to be registered in profiling, an empty value means all categories. ex. "yii\db\Command::query", "Integrations/MagentoApi"
$LOG_TO_FILE  : mixed
Enable saving logs to file. Values: false/true
$LOG_TO_PROFILE  : mixed
Enable saving logs profiling. Values: false/true
Level of saved/displayed tracerts. // Values: int
$MAILER_DEBUG  : mixed
Mailer debug
System error reporting, sum of: 1 = log; 4 = show, 8 = trace
Devel_mode this will print real PHP memory usage into logs/console and do not compress JS libraries
Log IMAP conversation to cache/logs/imap or to syslog
Log LDAP conversation to cache/logs/ldap or to syslog
Log successful/failed logins to cache/logs/userlogins or to syslog
Log session authentication errors to cache/logs/session or to syslog
Activate this option if logs should be written to per-user directories.
Log SMTP conversation to cache/logs/smtp or to syslog
Log sent messages to cache/logs/sendmail or to syslog
Log SQL queries to cache/logs/sql or to syslog
Do not show Smarty Notice in phpError.log
$SQL_DIE_ON_ERROR  : mixed
Stop the running process of the system if there is an error in sql query



[WebServices/API] Log to file all communications data (request + response)

public static mixed $apiLogAllRequests = false


[WebServices/API] Log to file only exception errors in the logs

public static mixed $apiLogException = false


[WebServices/API] Show exception backtrace in response body

public static mixed $apiShowExceptionBacktrace = false


[WebServices/API] Show exception messages in response body

public static mixed $apiShowExceptionMessages = false


[WebServices/API] Show exception reason phrase in response header

public static mixed $apiShowExceptionReasonPhrase = false


API - Sabre dav - This is a flag that allows (or not) showing file, line, and code of the exception in the returned XML

public static mixed $davDebugExceptions = false


Activate the plugin recording log in DAV

public static mixed $davDebugPlugin = false


List of IP addresses allowed to display debug console. Values: false = All IPS / "" / ["",""]

public static mixed $DEBUG_CONSOLE_ALLOWED_IPS = false


List of user IDs allowed to display debug console.

public static mixed $DEBUG_CONSOLE_ALLOWED_USERS = []


Debug cron => cache/logs/cron/

public static mixed $DEBUG_CRON = false


Debug Viewer => cache/logs/viewer-debug.log

public static mixed $DEBUG_VIEWER = false


Enable displaying logs in debug console. Values: false/true

public static mixed $DISPLAY_CONFIG_IN_CONSOLE = false


Display main debug console

public static mixed $DISPLAY_DEBUG_CONSOLE = false


Display Smarty Debug Console

public static mixed $DISPLAY_DEBUG_VIEWER = false


Displays information about the tracking code when an error occurs. Available only with the active SQL_DIE_ON_ERROR = true

public static mixed $DISPLAY_EXCEPTION_BACKTRACE = false


Display logs when error exception occurs

public static mixed $DISPLAY_EXCEPTION_LOGS = false


Enable displaying logs in debug console. Values: false/true

public static mixed $DISPLAY_LOGS_IN_CONSOLE = false


Turn on/off the error handler

public static mixed $EXCEPTION_ERROR_HANDLER = false


Set the error reporting level. The parameter is either an integer representing a bit field, or named constants.

public static mixed $EXCEPTION_ERROR_LEVEL = 32759 All errors - E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED / Critical errors - E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR


Save logs to file (cache/logs/errors.log)

public static mixed $EXCEPTION_ERROR_TO_FILE = false


Display errors

public static mixed $EXCEPTION_ERROR_TO_SHOW = false


Turn on/off error debugging in javascript

public static mixed $JS_DEBUG = true


Level of saved/displayed logs. Values: false = All / 3 = error and warning / ["error", "warning", "info", "trace", "profile"]

public static mixed $LOG_LEVELS = false


Categories to be registered in profiling, an empty value means all categories. ex. "yii\db\Command::query", "Integrations/MagentoApi"

public static mixed $LOG_PROFILE_CATEGORIES = []


Enable saving logs to file. Values: false/true

public static mixed $LOG_TO_FILE = false


Enable saving logs profiling. Values: false/true

public static mixed $LOG_TO_PROFILE = false


Level of saved/displayed tracerts. // Values: int

public static mixed $LOG_TRACE_LEVEL = 0


Mailer debug

public static mixed $MAILER_DEBUG = false


System error reporting, sum of: 1 = log; 4 = show, 8 = trace

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_DEBUG_LEVEL = 1


Devel_mode this will print real PHP memory usage into logs/console and do not compress JS libraries

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_DEVEL_MODE = false


Log IMAP conversation to cache/logs/imap or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_IMAP_DEBUG = false


Log LDAP conversation to cache/logs/ldap or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_LDAP_DEBUG = false


Log successful/failed logins to cache/logs/userlogins or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_LOG_LOGINS = false


Log session authentication errors to cache/logs/session or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_LOG_SESSION = false


Activate this option if logs should be written to per-user directories.

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_PER_USER_LOGGING = false

Data will only be logged if a directory cache/logs// exists and is writable.


Log SMTP conversation to cache/logs/smtp or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_SMTP_DEBUG = false


Log sent messages to cache/logs/sendmail or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_SMTP_LOG = false


Log SQL queries to cache/logs/sql or to syslog

public static mixed $ROUNDCUBE_SQL_DEBUG = false


Do not show Smarty Notice in phpError.log

public static mixed $SMARTY_ERROR_REPORTING = 32759


Stop the running process of the system if there is an error in sql query

public static mixed $SQL_DIE_ON_ERROR = false


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