
in package

Configuration file: Config\Main.

Table of Contents

$allow_exports  : mixed
Flag to allow export functionality: "all" - to allow anyone to use exports, "admin" - to only allow admins to export, "none" - to block exports completely
$application_unique_key  : mixed
Unique Application Key
$backgroundClosingModal  : mixed
Enable closing of modal window by clicking on the background
$cache_dir  : mixed
Cache directory path
$davStorageDir  : mixed
Update the current session id with a newly generated one after login
$default_charset  : mixed
Default charset: default value = "UTF-8"
$default_language  : mixed
Default language: default value = en-US
$default_module  : mixed
Default module: default value = Home
$default_timezone  : mixed
Set the default timezone as per your preference
$defaultLayout  : mixed
Set the default layout
$headerAlertIcon  : mixed
Header alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle
$headerAlertMessage  : mixed
Header alert message
$headerAlertType  : mixed
Header alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info
Help desk support email reply
$href_max_length  : mixed
Maximum length for href tag
$isActiveRecordTemplate  : mixed
Activates / deactivates batch adding of records
$isActiveSendingMails  : mixed
Is sending emails active?
$langInLoginView  : mixed
System's language selection in the login window (true/false).
$layoutInLoginView  : mixed
System's layout selection in the login window (true/false)
$list_max_entries_per_page  : mixed
List max entries per page: default value = 20
$listMaxEntriesMassEdit  : mixed
Maximum number of records in a mass edition
$listview_max_textlength  : mixed
Trim descriptions, titles in listviews to this value
$loginPageAlertIcon  : mixed
Login page alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle
$loginPageAlertMessage  : mixed
Login page alert message
$loginPageAlertType  : mixed
Login page alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info
$maxExecutionCronTime  : mixed
The maximum time of executing a cron. Recommended the same as the max_exacution_time parameter value.
Minimum cron frequency [min]
$phoneFieldAdvancedHrefFormat  : mixed
Phone number display format. Values: false - formatting is disabled \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::RFC3966 - +48-44-668-18-00 \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::E164 - +48446681800 \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL - 044 668 18 00 \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL - +48 44 668 18 00
$phoneFieldAdvancedVerification  : mixed
Enable advanced phone number validation. Enabling it will block saving invalid phone number.
$php_max_execution_time  : mixed
Maximum time limit for PHP script execution (in seconds)
$PORTAL_URL  : mixed
Url for customer portal (Example:
$site_URL  : mixed
Backslash is required at the end of URL
$systemMode  : mixed
System mode. Available: prod, demo, test
$title_max_length  : mixed
Maximum length of characters for title
$unblockedTimeoutCronTasks  : mixed
Should the task in cron be unblocked if the script execution time was exceeded?
$upload_badext  : mixed
Files with one of these extensions will have ".txt" appended to their filename on upload.
$upload_maxsize  : mixed
Maximum file size for uploaded files in bytes also used when uploading import files: upload_maxsize default value = 52428800 (50MB)
$USE_RTE  : mixed
Use rte
tmp_dir()  : mixed
Default value prepended by cache_dir = images/



Flag to allow export functionality: "all" - to allow anyone to use exports, "admin" - to only allow admins to export, "none" - to block exports completely

public static mixed $allow_exports = 'all'


Unique Application Key

public static mixed $application_unique_key = '2f6712d936f12422049d2c0766d3435f44e699e9'


Enable closing of modal window by clicking on the background

public static mixed $backgroundClosingModal = true


Cache directory path

public static mixed $cache_dir = 'cache/'


Update the current session id with a newly generated one after login

public static mixed $davStorageDir = 'storage/Files'


Default charset: default value = "UTF-8"

public static mixed $default_charset = 'UTF-8'


Default language: default value = en-US

public static mixed $default_language = 'en-US'


Default module: default value = Home

public static mixed $default_module = 'Home'


Set the default timezone as per your preference

public static mixed $default_timezone = '_TIMEZONE_'


Set the default layout

public static mixed $defaultLayout = 'basic'


Header alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle

public static mixed $headerAlertIcon = ''


Header alert message

public static mixed $headerAlertMessage = ''


Header alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info

public static mixed $headerAlertType = ''


Help desk support email reply

public static mixed $HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAIL_REPLY = ''


Maximum length for href tag

public static mixed $href_max_length = 50


Activates / deactivates batch adding of records

public static mixed $isActiveRecordTemplate = false


Is sending emails active?

public static mixed $isActiveSendingMails = true


System's language selection in the login window (true/false).

public static mixed $langInLoginView = false


System's layout selection in the login window (true/false)

public static mixed $layoutInLoginView = false


List max entries per page: default value = 20

public static mixed $list_max_entries_per_page = 20


Maximum number of records in a mass edition

public static mixed $listMaxEntriesMassEdit = 500


Trim descriptions, titles in listviews to this value

public static mixed $listview_max_textlength = 40


Login page alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle

public static mixed $loginPageAlertIcon = ''


Login page alert message

public static mixed $loginPageAlertMessage = ''


Login page alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info

public static mixed $loginPageAlertType = ''


The maximum time of executing a cron. Recommended the same as the max_exacution_time parameter value.

public static mixed $maxExecutionCronTime = 3600


Minimum cron frequency [min]

public static mixed $MINIMUM_CRON_FREQUENCY = 1


Phone number display format. Values: false - formatting is disabled \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::RFC3966 - +48-44-668-18-00 \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::E164 - +48446681800 \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL - 044 668 18 00 \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL - +48 44 668 18 00

public static mixed $phoneFieldAdvancedHrefFormat = \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat::RFC3966


Enable advanced phone number validation. Enabling it will block saving invalid phone number.

public static mixed $phoneFieldAdvancedVerification = true


Maximum time limit for PHP script execution (in seconds)

public static mixed $php_max_execution_time = 0


Url for customer portal (Example:

public static mixed $PORTAL_URL = ''


Backslash is required at the end of URL

public static mixed $site_URL = ''


System mode. Available: prod, demo, test

public static mixed $systemMode = 'prod'


Maximum length of characters for title

public static mixed $title_max_length = 60


Should the task in cron be unblocked if the script execution time was exceeded?

public static mixed $unblockedTimeoutCronTasks = true


Files with one of these extensions will have ".txt" appended to their filename on upload.

public static mixed $upload_badext = ['php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'pl', 'cgi', 'py', 'asp', 'cfm', 'js', 'vbs', 'html', 'htm', 'exe', 'bin', 'bat', 'sh', 'dll', 'phps', 'phtml', 'xhtml', 'rb', 'msi', 'jsp', 'shtml', 'sth', 'shtm']


Maximum file size for uploaded files in bytes also used when uploading import files: upload_maxsize default value = 52428800 (50MB)

public static mixed $upload_maxsize = 52428800


Use rte

public static mixed $USE_RTE = true



Default value prepended by cache_dir = images/

public static tmp_dir() : mixed
Return values


Search results