
in package

Configuration file: Config\Modules\Import.

Table of Contents

Missing picklist values are added
$BATCH_LIMIT  : mixed
Individual batch limit - Specified number of records will be imported at one shot and the cycle will repeat till all records are imported
Records for reference fields modules are created while importing, when record is not found.
Threshold record limit for immediate import. If record count is more than this, then the import is scheduled through cron job
Save record including handlers



Missing picklist values are added

public static mixed $ADD_PICKLIST_VALUE = false


Individual batch limit - Specified number of records will be imported at one shot and the cycle will repeat till all records are imported

public static mixed $BATCH_LIMIT = 250


Records for reference fields modules are created while importing, when record is not found.

public static mixed $CREATE_REFERENCE_RECORD = false


Threshold record limit for immediate import. If record count is more than this, then the import is scheduled through cron job

public static mixed $IMMEDIATE_IMPORT_LIMIT = 1000


Save record including handlers

public static mixed $SAVE_BY_HANDLERS = true


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