
in package

Configuration file: Config\Modules\OSSMail.

Table of Contents

$address_book_type  : mixed
Contact functionality is disabled
$addressbook_pagesize  : mixed
Address book page size.
$auto_create_user  : mixed
Auto create user.
$date_format  : mixed
Set date format
$date_long  : mixed
Set the long date format
$db_prefix  : mixed
Set default prefix
$default_charset  : mixed
Use this charset as fallback for message decoding
$des_key  : mixed
This key is used for encrypting purposes, like storing of imap password in the session. For the default cipher_method a required key length is 24 characters.
$draft_autosave  : mixed
Set autosave time
$enable_authres_status_column  : mixed
Enable authres status column
$enable_spellcheck  : mixed
Enable spell check
$enable_variables_in_signature  : mixed
Enable variables in signature
$htmleditor  : mixed
Html editor
$identities_level  : mixed
Identities level.
$imap_cache  : mixed
Imap cache, Values: 'db', 'apc' and 'memcache' or 'memcached'
$imap_conn_options  : mixed
Connection options imap.
$imap_host  : mixed
Default host.
$imap_open_add_connection_type  : mixed
Add connection type
$imap_params  : mixed
Enable this for imapConnect and MS Exchange bug "Kerberos error: Credentials cache file ... not found "DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR" => "GSSAPI"
$ip_check  : mixed
Ip check.
$junk_mbox  : mixed
Store spam messages in this mailbox
$language  : mixed
Set default language
$list_cols  : mixed
List cols
$mail_pagesize  : mixed
Mail page size.
$mdn_requests  : mixed
Mdn requests
$message_show_email  : mixed
Enables display of email address with name instead of a name (and address in title)
$messages_cache  : mixed
Enables messages cache. Only 'db' cache is supported.
$messages_cache_threshold  : mixed
Maximum cached message size in kilobytes.
$mime_param_folding  : mixed
Mime param folding
$plugins  : mixed
List of plugins
$prefer_html  : mixed
Turn on/off prefer html
$preview_pane  : mixed
Turn on/off preview pane
$product_name  : mixed
Name your service. This is displayed on the login screen and in the window title
$reply_mode  : mixed
Set reply mode
$sendmail_delay  : mixed
Send mail delay
$session_lifetime  : mixed
Session lifetime in minutes
$show_images  : mixed
Display remote resources (inline images, styles). Value: 0 - Never, always ask, 1 - Ask if sender is not in address book, 2 - Always allow
$show_statuses  : mixed
Show statuses
$skin  : mixed
Set the skin
$skin_logo  : mixed
Skin logo
$smtp_conn_options  : mixed
Connection options smtp.
$smtp_helo_host  : mixed
The value to give when sending
$smtp_host  : mixed
Name of SMTP server
$smtp_pass  : mixed
SMTP password (if required) if you use %p as the password Roundcube will use the current user's password for login
$smtp_timeout  : mixed
Smtp time out
$smtp_user  : mixed
Login to SMTP server
$time_format  : mixed
Set time format
$time_formats  : mixed
give this choice of time formats to the user to select from
$useragent  : mixed
Add this user-agent to message headers when sending
$username_domain  : mixed
User name domain
$validate_cert  : mixed
Validate cert
$zipdownload_charset  : mixed
Charset to use for filenames inside the zip
$zipdownload_selection  : mixed
Zip selection of mail messages This option enables downloading of multiple messages as one zip archive.
db_dsnw()  : mixed
Database connection string (DSN) for read+write operations
debug_level()  : mixed
Debug level. sum of: 1 = log; 4 = show, 8 = trace
devel_mode()  : mixed
Debugging information about php memory consumption
imap_debug()  : mixed
Imap conversation debug
ldap_debug()  : mixed
Ldap conversation debug
log_dir()  : mixed
Log dir
log_logins()  : mixed
Logins successful/failed
per_user_logging()  : mixed
Per user logging
root_directory()  : mixed
Root directory
session_debug()  : mixed
Session authentication debug
smtp_debug()  : mixed
Smtp conversation debug
smtp_log()  : mixed
Log sent messages to cache/logs/sendmail
sql_debug()  : mixed
Sql queries debug
temp_dir()  : mixed
Temp dir



Contact functionality is disabled

public static mixed $address_book_type = ''


Address book page size.

public static mixed $addressbook_pagesize = 50


Auto create user.

public static mixed $auto_create_user = true


Set date format

public static mixed $date_format = 'Y-m-d'


Set the long date format

public static mixed $date_long = 'Y-m-d H:i'


Set default prefix

public static mixed $db_prefix = 'roundcube_'


Use this charset as fallback for message decoding

public static mixed $default_charset = 'UTF-8'


This key is used for encrypting purposes, like storing of imap password in the session. For the default cipher_method a required key length is 24 characters.

public static mixed $des_key = 'vHx9ZsFDpA0jq6GJ77x173YW'


Set autosave time

public static mixed $draft_autosave = 300


Enable authres status column

public static mixed $enable_authres_status_column = true


Enable spell check

public static mixed $enable_spellcheck = true


Enable variables in signature

public static mixed $enable_variables_in_signature = false


Html editor

public static mixed $htmleditor = 1


Identities level.

public static mixed $identities_level = 0


Imap cache, Values: 'db', 'apc' and 'memcache' or 'memcached'

public static mixed $imap_cache = 'db'


Connection options imap.

public static mixed $imap_conn_options = ['ssl' => ['verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false]]


Default host.

public static mixed $imap_host = ['ssl://' => 'ssl://']


Add connection type

public static mixed $imap_open_add_connection_type = true


Enable this for imapConnect and MS Exchange bug "Kerberos error: Credentials cache file ... not found "DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR" => "GSSAPI"

public static mixed $imap_params = []


Ip check.

public static mixed $ip_check = false


Store spam messages in this mailbox

public static mixed $junk_mbox = ''


Set default language

public static mixed $language = 'en_US'


List cols

public static mixed $list_cols = ['flag', 'status', 'subject', 'fromto', 'date', 'size', 'attachment', 'authres_status', 'threads']


Mail page size.

public static mixed $mail_pagesize = 30


Mdn requests

public static mixed $mdn_requests = 0


Enables display of email address with name instead of a name (and address in title)

public static mixed $message_show_email = true


Enables messages cache. Only 'db' cache is supported.

public static mixed $messages_cache = 'db'


Maximum cached message size in kilobytes.

public static mixed $messages_cache_threshold = 1000

Note: On MySQL this should be less than (max_allowed_packet - 30%)


Mime param folding

public static mixed $mime_param_folding = 0


List of plugins

public static mixed $plugins = ['identity_smtp', 'thunderbird_labels', 'zipdownload', 'archive', 'html5_notifier', 'contextmenu', 'yetiforce']


Turn on/off prefer html

public static mixed $prefer_html = true


Turn on/off preview pane

public static mixed $preview_pane = false


Name your service. This is displayed on the login screen and in the window title

public static mixed $product_name = ''


Set reply mode

public static mixed $reply_mode = 1


Send mail delay

public static mixed $sendmail_delay = 0


Session lifetime in minutes

public static mixed $session_lifetime = 30


Display remote resources (inline images, styles). Value: 0 - Never, always ask, 1 - Ask if sender is not in address book, 2 - Always allow

public static mixed $show_images = 0


Show statuses

public static mixed $show_statuses = 127


Set the skin

public static mixed $skin = 'elastic'

Skin logo

public static mixed $skin_logo = '/images/null.png'


Connection options smtp.

public static mixed $smtp_conn_options = ['ssl' => ['verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false]]


The value to give when sending

public static mixed $smtp_helo_host = 'YetiForceCRM'


Name of SMTP server

public static mixed $smtp_host = 'ssl://'


SMTP password (if required) if you use %p as the password Roundcube will use the current user's password for login

public static mixed $smtp_pass = '%p'


Smtp time out

public static mixed $smtp_timeout = 10


Login to SMTP server

public static mixed $smtp_user = '%u'


Set time format

public static mixed $time_format = 'H:i'


give this choice of time formats to the user to select from

public static mixed $time_formats = ['G:i', 'H:i', 'g:i a', 'h:i A', 'H:i:s (T P)']


Add this user-agent to message headers when sending

public static mixed $useragent = 'YetiForce Webmail'


User name domain

public static mixed $username_domain = ''


Validate cert

public static mixed $validate_cert = false


Charset to use for filenames inside the zip

public static mixed $zipdownload_charset = 'UTF-8'


Zip selection of mail messages This option enables downloading of multiple messages as one zip archive.

public static mixed $zipdownload_selection = '500MB'

The number or string value specifies maximum total size of all messages in the archive (not the size of the archive itself).



Database connection string (DSN) for read+write operations

public static db_dsnw() : mixed
Return values


Debug level. sum of: 1 = log; 4 = show, 8 = trace

public static debug_level() : mixed
Return values


Debugging information about php memory consumption

public static devel_mode() : mixed
Return values


Imap conversation debug

public static imap_debug() : mixed
Return values


Ldap conversation debug

public static ldap_debug() : mixed
Return values


Log dir

public static log_dir() : mixed
Return values


Logins successful/failed

public static log_logins() : mixed
Return values


Per user logging

public static per_user_logging() : mixed
Return values


Root directory

public static root_directory() : mixed
Return values


Session authentication debug

public static session_debug() : mixed
Return values


Smtp conversation debug

public static smtp_debug() : mixed
Return values


Log sent messages to cache/logs/sendmail

public static smtp_log() : mixed
Return values


Sql queries debug

public static sql_debug() : mixed
Return values


Temp dir

public static temp_dir() : mixed
Return values


Search results