
in package

Configuration file: Config\Modules\Project.

Table of Contents

Columns visible in Project hierarchy [$label => $columnName]
Count Projects in hierarchy
$defaultGanttColors  : mixed
Default colors of statuses for gantt chart. f not specified - picklists colors are taken or random color is assigned if there is not one in picklist.
Max depth of hierarchy
$showGanttTab  : mixed
Show / hide Gantt tab in module Projects



Columns visible in Project hierarchy [$label => $columnName]

public static mixed $COLUMNS_IN_HIERARCHY = []


Count Projects in hierarchy

public static mixed $COUNT_IN_HIERARCHY = true


Default colors of statuses for gantt chart. f not specified - picklists colors are taken or random color is assigned if there is not one in picklist.

public static mixed $defaultGanttColors = ['Project' => ['projectstatus' => ['PLL_PLANNED' => '#7B1FA2', 'PLL_IN_PROGRESSING' => '#1976D2', 'PLL_IN_APPROVAL' => '#F57C00', 'PLL_ON_HOLD' => '#455A64', 'PLL_COMPLETED' => '#388E3C', 'PLL_CANCELLED' => '#616161']], 'ProjectMilestone' => ['projectmilestone_status' => ['PLL_PLANNED' => '#3F51B5', 'PLL_IN_PROGRESSING' => '#2196F3', 'PLL_COMPLETED' => '#4CAF50', 'PLL_ON_HOLD' => '#607D8B', 'PLL_CANCELLED' => '#9E9E9E']], 'ProjectTask' => ['projecttaskstatus' => ['PLL_PLANNED' => '#7986CB', 'PLL_IN_PROGRESSING' => '#64B5F6', 'PLL_COMPLETED' => '#81C784', 'PLL_ON_HOLD' => '#90A4AE', 'PLL_CANCELLED' => '#E0E0E0']]]


Max depth of hierarchy

public static mixed $MAX_HIERARCHY_DEPTH = 50


Show / hide Gantt tab in module Projects

public static mixed $showGanttTab = true


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