
in package

Configuration file: Config\Security.

Table of Contents

$allowedConnectDomains  : mixed
Allowed domains which can be loaded using script interfaces.
$allowedDomainsLoadInFrame  : mixed
Specifies valid sources for nested browsing contexts loading using elements such as <frame> and <iframe>.
$allowedFormDomains  : mixed
Allowed domains which can be used as the target of a form submissions from a given context, used in CSP.
$allowedFrameDomains  : mixed
Specifies valid parents that may embed a page using <frame>, <iframe>, <object>, <embed> or <applet> and validate referer.
$allowedImageDomains  : mixed
Allowed domains for loading images, used in CSP.
$allowedScriptDomains  : mixed
Allowed domains for loading script, used in CSP.
$apiLifetimeSessionCreate  : mixed
Maximum session lifetime from the time it was created (in minutes)
$apiLifetimeSessionUpdate  : mixed
Maximum session lifetime since the last modification (in minutes)
$askAdminAboutVisitPurpose  : bool
$askAdminAboutVisitSwitchUsers  : bool
$askSuperUserAboutVisitPurpose  : bool
Cache lifetime for SensioLabs security checker.
Configuration of the permission mechanism on records list.
Changing the settings by the user is possible true/false
$cookieForceHttpOnly  : mixed
Force the use of https only for cookie.
$cookieSameSite  : mixed
Same-site cookie attribute allows a web application to advise the browser that cookies should only be sent if the request originates from the website the cookie came from.
$cspHeaderActive  : mixed
HTTP Content Security Policy response header allows website administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page
$cspHeaderTokenTime  : mixed
HTTP Content Security Policy time interval for generating a new nonce token
$csrfActive  : mixed
Enable CSRF protection
$csrfFrameBreaker  : mixed
Enable verified frame protection, used in CSRF
$csrfFrameBreakerWindow  : mixed
Which window should be verified? It is used to check if the system is loaded in the frame, used in CSRF.
$csrfLifetimeToken  : mixed
Default expire time of CSRF token in seconds
Restricted domains allow you to block saving an email address from a given domain in the system.
List of modules where restricted domains are enabled, if empty it will be enabled everywhere.
List of modules excluded from restricted domains validation.
Restricted domains
$fieldsReferencesDependent  : mixed
Interdependent reference fields
$forceHttpsRedirection  : mixed
Force site access to always occur under SSL (https) for selected areas. You will not be able to access selected areas under non-ssl. Note, you must have SSL enabled on your server to utilise this option.
$forceUrlRedirection  : mixed
Redirect to proper url when wrong url is entered.
$generallyAllowedDomains  : mixed
Generally allowed domains, used in CSP.
$hpkpKeysHeader  : mixed
HTTP Public-Key-Pins (HPKP) pin-sha256 For HPKP to work properly at least 2 keys are needed.
Remember user credentials
$loginSessionRegenerate  : mixed
Update the current session id with a newly generated one after login and logout
$maxLifetimeSession  : mixed
Lifetime session (in seconds)
$maxLifetimeSessionCookie  : mixed
Specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser. The value 0 means 'until the browser is closed.' How much time can someone be logged in to the browser. Defaults to 0.
Permitted by advanced permission.
Permitted by private field.
Permitted by record hierarchy.
Permitted by roles.
Permitted by shared owners.
Permitted by sharing.
$permittedModulesByCreatorField  : mixed
List of modules to which access is based on the record creation.
$permittedWriteAccessByCreatorField  : mixed
Permission level access based on the record creation
$proxyConnection  : mixed
Do you want all connections to be made using a proxy?
$proxyHost  : mixed
Proxy host
$proxyLogin  : mixed
Proxy login
$proxyPassword  : mixed
Proxy password
$proxyPort  : mixed
Proxy port
$proxyProtocol  : mixed
Proxy protocol: http, https, tcp
$purifierAllowedDomains  : mixed
List of allowed domains for fields with HTML support
Possible to reset the password while logging in (true/false)
Show my preferences
User authentication mode.
Password encrypt algorithmic cost. Numeric values - we recommend values greater than 10.
$verifyRefererHeader  : mixed
Verify referer header
$whitelistIp2fa  : mixed
IP address whitelisting.



Allowed domains which can be loaded using script interfaces.

public static mixed $allowedConnectDomains = []

CSP: connect-src.


Specifies valid sources for nested browsing contexts loading using elements such as <frame> and <iframe>.

public static mixed $allowedDomainsLoadInFrame = []

CSP: frame-src.


Allowed domains which can be used as the target of a form submissions from a given context, used in CSP.

public static mixed $allowedFormDomains = ['']


Specifies valid parents that may embed a page using <frame>, <iframe>, <object>, <embed> or <applet> and validate referer.

public static mixed $allowedFrameDomains = []

CSP: frame-ancestors.


Allowed domains for loading images, used in CSP.

public static mixed $allowedImageDomains = ['*']


Allowed domains for loading script, used in CSP.

public static mixed $allowedScriptDomains = []


Maximum session lifetime from the time it was created (in minutes)

public static mixed $apiLifetimeSessionCreate = 1440


Maximum session lifetime since the last modification (in minutes)

public static mixed $apiLifetimeSessionUpdate = 240


public static bool $askAdminAboutVisitPurpose = true

Ask admin about visit purpose


public static bool $askAdminAboutVisitSwitchUsers = true

Ask admin about switch users purpose


public static bool $askSuperUserAboutVisitPurpose = true

Ask super user about visit purpose, only for the settings part


Cache lifetime for SensioLabs security checker.



Configuration of the permission mechanism on records list.

public static mixed $CACHING_PERMISSION_TO_RECORD = false

true - Permissions based on the users column in vtiger_crmentity. Permissions are not verified in real time. They are updated via cron. We do not recommend using this option in production environments. false - Permissions based on adding tables with permissions to query (old mechanism).


Changing the settings by the user is possible true/false

public static mixed $CHANGE_LOGIN_PASSWORD = true


Force the use of https only for cookie.

public static mixed $cookieForceHttpOnly = true

Values: true, false, null


Same-site cookie attribute allows a web application to advise the browser that cookies should only be sent if the request originates from the website the cookie came from.

public static mixed $cookieSameSite = 'Strict'

Values: None, Lax, Strict


HTTP Content Security Policy response header allows website administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page

public static mixed $cspHeaderActive = true


HTTP Content Security Policy time interval for generating a new nonce token

public static mixed $cspHeaderTokenTime = '5 minutes'


Enable CSRF protection

public static mixed $csrfActive = true


Enable verified frame protection, used in CSRF

public static mixed $csrfFrameBreaker = true


Which window should be verified? It is used to check if the system is loaded in the frame, used in CSRF.

public static mixed $csrfFrameBreakerWindow = 'top'


Default expire time of CSRF token in seconds

public static mixed $csrfLifetimeToken = 28800


Restricted domains allow you to block saving an email address from a given domain in the system.

public static mixed $EMAIL_FIELD_RESTRICTED_DOMAINS_ACTIVE = false

Restricted domains work only for email address type fields.


List of modules where restricted domains are enabled, if empty it will be enabled everywhere.



List of modules excluded from restricted domains validation.

public static mixed $EMAIL_FIELD_RESTRICTED_DOMAINS_EXCLUDED = ['OSSEmployees', 'Users']


Restricted domains



Interdependent reference fields

public static mixed $fieldsReferencesDependent = false


Force site access to always occur under SSL (https) for selected areas. You will not be able to access selected areas under non-ssl. Note, you must have SSL enabled on your server to utilise this option.

public static mixed $forceHttpsRedirection = false


Redirect to proper url when wrong url is entered.

public static mixed $forceUrlRedirection = true


Generally allowed domains, used in CSP.

public static mixed $generallyAllowedDomains = []


HTTP Public-Key-Pins (HPKP) pin-sha256 For HPKP to work properly at least 2 keys are needed.

public static mixed $hpkpKeysHeader = [],


Remember user credentials

public static mixed $LOGIN_PAGE_REMEMBER_CREDENTIALS = false


Update the current session id with a newly generated one after login and logout

public static mixed $loginSessionRegenerate = true


Lifetime session (in seconds)

public static mixed $maxLifetimeSession = 900


Specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser. The value 0 means 'until the browser is closed.' How much time can someone be logged in to the browser. Defaults to 0.

public static mixed $maxLifetimeSessionCookie = 0


Permitted by advanced permission.

public static mixed $PERMITTED_BY_ADVANCED_PERMISSION = true


Permitted by private field.

public static mixed $PERMITTED_BY_PRIVATE_FIELD = true


Permitted by record hierarchy.

public static mixed $PERMITTED_BY_RECORD_HIERARCHY = true


Permitted by roles.

public static mixed $PERMITTED_BY_ROLES = true


Permitted by shared owners.

public static mixed $PERMITTED_BY_SHARED_OWNERS = true


Permitted by sharing.

public static mixed $PERMITTED_BY_SHARING = true


List of modules to which access is based on the record creation.

public static mixed $permittedModulesByCreatorField = []


Permission level access based on the record creation

public static mixed $permittedWriteAccessByCreatorField = false


Do you want all connections to be made using a proxy?

public static mixed $proxyConnection = false


Proxy host

public static mixed $proxyHost = ''


Proxy login

public static mixed $proxyLogin = ''


Proxy password

public static mixed $proxyPassword = ''


Proxy port

public static mixed $proxyPort = 0


Proxy protocol: http, https, tcp

public static mixed $proxyProtocol = ''


List of allowed domains for fields with HTML support

public static mixed $purifierAllowedDomains = []


Possible to reset the password while logging in (true/false)

public static mixed $RESET_LOGIN_PASSWORD = false


Show my preferences

public static mixed $SHOW_MY_PREFERENCES = true


User authentication mode.

public static mixed $USER_AUTHY_MODE = 'TOTP_OPTIONAL'

Available values: TOTP_OFF - 2FA TOTP is checking off TOTP_OPTIONAL - It is defined by the user TOTP_OBLIGATORY - It is obligatory.


Password encrypt algorithmic cost. Numeric values - we recommend values greater than 10.

public static mixed $USER_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD_COST = 10

The greater the value, the longer it takes to encrypt the password.


Verify referer header

public static mixed $verifyRefererHeader = true


IP address whitelisting.

public static mixed $whitelistIp2fa = []

Allow access without 2FA.


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