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Version: 6.5.0

YetiForce requirements


YetiForce CRM requires a proper web server configuration. It is a key element for the process of installation as well as for the system to be stable. Most professional web servers meet the requirements presented below. However, in case your server does not meet all the requirements, ask your administrator to adjust the configuration and send him a link to this article. If your administrator cannot change the configuration, it might be time to consider upgrading your server.

During the installation process, the system verifies the actual server configuration and shows the elements that are incorrect and require a change in parameters. Please note that the requirements presented below are not general and not for each installation, for more complex systems they should be verified and optimized individually.


The requirements vary depending on the version of YetiForce. Check the requirements for the version you are installing before you begin.

The requirements listed below are applicable for the following version: Latest Stable Version release date

Possible issues

Core server software (LAMP/LEMP)

  • Operating system - Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, Mint - works on most Linux distributions. We don't recommend the MS Windows operating system as well as MS Windows Server. Our system works well on Windows servers, however, it's not an optimal environment in terms of web applications.


    Due to security reasons, we recommend running each version of the YetiForce system (PROD and TEST) on a separate/dedicated user of the operating system (preferably on a separate server), e.g. yfprod, yftest. We do not recommend using one operating system user for several applications/websites.

  • Serwer WWW

    • Nginx 1.23 (recommended) - works on earlier versions as well, however, the latest stable versions are recommended. You can also use alternative software as long as it is compatible.

    • Apache 2.4 - works on earlier versions as well (2.1, 2.2, 2.3), however, the latest stable versions are recommended. You can also use alternative software as long as it is compatible.


      The system does not work with the ModSecurity web server extension

  • Databases

    • MariaDB 10.6 (recommended) - we recommend the latest stable versions. We don't recommend versions older than 10.1.
    • MySQL 5.7, 8.0 - earlier version (5.6) works as well, the latest stable versions are recommended. You can also use alternative software as long as it is compatible.
  • PHP 7.4 (recommended), 8.0, 8.1 (tests pending). The latest stable versions are recommended (eg. 7.4.x).

Database engine requirements (MariaDB/MySQL)

Configuration files eg. /etc/my.cnf, /etc/mysql/my.cnf, /etc/mysql/conf.d/, my.ini

  • ENGINE = InnoDB should be available and enabled by default (disable --skip-innodb)

Ze względów bezpieczeństwa zalecamy aby każda baza danych posiadała dedykowanego użytkownika, nie zalecamy używania użytkownika bazodanowego root do komunikacji z bazą danych.

default-character-set = utf8

default-character-set = utf8

default_storage_engine = InnoDB
default-character-set = utf8
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_general_ci
init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'
sql-mode = ''
wait_timeout = 600
connect_timeout = 600
net_read_timeout = 600
net_write_timeout = 600
interactive_timeout = 600
max_allowed_packet = 128M
query_cache_size = 128M
innodb_default_row_format = 'dynamic'
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 600
innodb_large_prefix = ON
innodb_file_per_table = ON
innodb_ft_min_token_size = 2
innodb_stats_on_metadata = OFF
innodb_open_files = 1000
innodb_io_capacity = 1000
ft_min_word_len = 2
table_open_cache = 1000
table_definition_cache = 1400
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 16M

sort_buffer_size = 4M
read_buffer_size = 2M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 1M
join_buffer_size = 16M
max_connections = 100
innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT

PHP requirements

Configuration files np. /etc/php/8.0/fpm/php.ini, /etc/php/8.0/cli/php.ini

Latest stable version:
Development version:

External library configuration


  • imap
  • PDO
  • pdo_mysql
  • mysqlnd (MySQL Native Driver)
  • openssl
  • curl
  • gd
  • pcre
  • xml
  • json
  • session
  • dom
  • zip
  • mbstring
  • soap
  • fileinfo
  • iconv
  • intl
  • SPL
  • Reflection
  • SimpleXML
  • bcmath
  • filter
  • ctype
  • hash


  • exif - Library recommended for increasing security, allows you to work with image metadata
  • ldap - Library required if LDAP/AD login is active
  • OPcache - Improves PHP performance by storing compiled bytecode in shared memory
  • apcu - Library that improves system efficiency, recommended when a large number of users is using the system or the system is under heavy load
  • imagick - Library recommended for increasing security, it secures and verifies potentially dangerous image files
  • pdo_sqlsrv - Library required if integration with Wapro ERP or Comarch is active


  • uopz - Causes the system to freeze


php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/php_fpm_errors.log
clear_env = no
request_terminate_timeout = 600
pm.process_idle_timeout = 600s;
pm.max_requests = 5000
catch_workers_output = yes


HTTPS & HTTP2 encryption

We recommend encrypting the connection to the server where the system is located. If the connection to the server is not established via HTTPS, the communication can be intercepted or altered by third parties.

Permissions to folders and files

Permissions to folders and files are often the most common source of problems for people who install an application on VPS and dedicated servers. There should be the same owner for all application files and folders.

We recommend the following configuration:

  • files 644 (rw-r--r--)
  • folders 755 (rwxr-xr-x)

The configuration should allow the uploaded files to have full read and write access at the browser level, without changing the file and folder permissions. It is necessary to remember that when the application is running, it also performs various operations such as reading and writing, as well as creating and deleting files. If you don't know how to configure the permissions, ask your administrator to do it and send them a link to this article.

  • Configuration directory config/
  • Application data directory app_data/
  • User privileges directory user_privileges/
  • Tabdata File user_privileges/tabdata.php
  • Menu file user_privileges/menu_0.php
  • User privileges file user_privileges/user_privileges_1.php
  • Cache Directory cache/
  • Address book directory cache/addressBook/
  • Image Cache Directory cache/images/
  • Import Cache Directory cache/import/
  • Logs directory cache/logs/
  • Session directory cache/session/
  • Cache templates directory cache/templates_c/
  • Cache upload directory cache/upload/
  • Vtlib test directory cache/vtlib/
  • Vtlib Test HTML Directory cache/vtlib/HTML/
  • Cron modules directory cron/modules/
  • Modules Directory modules/
  • Storage Directory storage/
  • Product Image Directory storage/products/
  • User Image Directory storage/users/
  • Contact Image Directory storage/contacts/
  • MailView attachments directory storage/OSSMailView/
  • Logo Directory public_html/layouts/resources/Logo/
  • E-mail client public_html/modules/OSSMail/
  • Third party libraries public_html/libraries/

Issues with SELinux


Permission issues occur frequently if SELinux is installed on the server and the enforcing mode is enabled. Note the parameters below:

  • httpd_unified
  • httpd_can_network_connect

sudo setsebool -P httpd_unified 1
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

End user requirements

  • OS - any OS that supports a web browser
  • Display: 1280 × 800 (recommended)
  • Browser compatible with ES5 (ECMAScript 5), and from YetiForce version 6.3 on ES6 (ECMAScript 6)

Supported browsers

Users should always have the latest version of any browsers they use because only the most recent versions support the newest web technologies. Below is a list of browsers, starting from the one that is the most recommended for YetiForce (Google Chrome) to the least recommended.

  1. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
  2. Firefox
  3. Opera, Brave, Vivaldi
  4. Apple Safari
  5. Internet Explorer
  6. Other

Additional configuration using .htaccess

Some servers allow changing the configuration via the .htaccess file. We present some of the examples below.

Apache module


The configuration below works only if Apache (eg. httpd.conf) is set to "AllowOverride Options" or "AllowOverride All"

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag log_errors On
php_flag display_errors Off
php_value error_log cache/logs/phpError.log
php_value memory_limit 512M
php_flag output_buffering On
php_flag zlib.output_compression Off
php_flag file_uploads On
php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
php_value post_max_size 50M
## FastCGI module
<IfModule fcgid_module.c>
FcgidIOTimeout 600
FcgidConnectTimeout 600
FcgidBusyTimeout 600
FcgidIdleTimeout 600
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
IdleTimeout 600
ProcessLifeTime 600
IPCConnectTimeout 600
IPCCommTimeout 600
BusyTimeout 600

Additional configuration using user.ini

You can also quickly change the PHP configuration by creating a user.ini file in the main directory $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], right now it supports CGI/FastCGI. However, be careful because not all parameters can be configured this way (

More information:


Requirements for system update


connect_timeout = 3600
connect_timeout = 3600
net_read_timeout = 3600
net_write_timeout = 3600
wait_timeout = 3600
wait_timeout = 3600
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 3600


max_execution_time = 3600
max_input_time = 3600
default_socket_timeout = 3600


pm.process_idle_timeout = 3600s
request_terminate_timeout = 3600


server {
client_body_timeout 3600;
send_timeout 3600;

location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_send_timeout 3600;
fastcgi_read_timeout 3600;
keepalive_timeout 3600;
proxy_connect_timeout 3600;
proxy_send_timeout 3600;
proxy_read_timeout 3600;
location ~ ^(.+\.php)(.*)$ {
fastcgi_send_timeout 3600;
fastcgi_read_timeout 3600;
keepalive_timeout 3600;
proxy_connect_timeout 3600;
proxy_send_timeout 3600;
proxy_read_timeout 3600;