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Wersja: 6.5.0


crowdin Localization Management Platform

Dostępne języki

Thanks to the efforts of our community, YetiForce has been translated into many languages. After installing the system, you will be able to easily download additional languages by going to: System Settings → System Tools → Language Management. You can check all currently available languages on Crowdin. Thanks to Crowdin you can also develop the system by adding new languages, or adding translations to those already available.


The official translation project of YetiForce Crowdin and YetiForcePortal2 Crowdin can be found on the Crowdin platform. The code and translations are also available in our GitHub repository.


You need a Crowdin account to be able to add translations.


If you want to add translations in a language that is not currently available in YetiForce, please send an email to 📧

Obsługiwane języki

Lista aktualnie obsługiwanych języków znajduje się tutaj.