Webservice standard
YetiForce API for Webservice App. Type: WebserviceStandard (0.2)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Skip the /webservice
fragment for connections via ApiProxy. There are two ways to connect to API, with or without rewrite, below are examples of both:
- rewrite
- CRM_URL/webservice/WebserviceStandard/Users/Login
- CRM_URL/webservice/WebserviceStandard/Accounts/RecordRelatedList/117/Contacts
- without rewrite
- CRM_URL/webservice.php?_container=WebserviceStandard&module=Users&action=Login
- CRM_URL/webservice.php?_container=WebserviceStandard&module=Accounts&action=RecordRelatedList&record=117¶m=Contacts
List of custom view
Gets a list of custom view
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "property1": {
- "cvid": 12,
- "viewname": "Test 1",
- "entitytype": "Accounts",
- "sequence": 1,
- "description": "Description",
- "color": "#c28306",
- "isFeatured": false,
- "isDefault": false
}, - "property2": {
- "cvid": 12,
- "viewname": "Test 1",
- "entitytype": "Accounts",
- "sequence": 1,
- "description": "Description",
- "color": "#c28306",
- "isFeatured": false,
- "isDefault": false
Data of custom view
Gets data of custom view
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
cvId required | integer Example: 12 Custom view ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "cvid": 12,
- "viewname": "Test 1",
- "entitytype": "Accounts",
- "sequence": 1,
- "description": "Description",
- "color": "#c28306",
- "isFeatured": false,
- "isDefault": false
Get data about fields, blocks and inventory
Returns information about fields, blocks and inventory based on the selected module
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
x-response-params | Array of strings Items Enum: "inventory" "blocks" "privileges" "dbStructure" "queryOperators" The header contains information about additional data to be returned in the response [Json array] |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "fields": {
- "property1": {
- "name": "subject",
- "label": "Subject",
- "type": "string",
- "mandatory": true,
- "defaultvalue": "",
- "presence": true,
- "quickcreate": true,
- "masseditable": true,
- "header_field": {
- "type": "value",
- "class": "badge-info"
}, - "maxlengthtext": 0,
- "maximumlength": "-2147483648,2147483647",
- "maxwidthcolumn": 0,
- "tabindex": 0,
- "fieldtype": "V",
- "picklistvalues": { },
- "date-format": "string",
- "time-format": "string",
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "decimal_separator": "string",
- "group_separator": "string",
- "restrictedDomains": {
- "yeti.com": "yeti.com"
}, - "limit": 0,
- "formats": {
- "jpg": "jpg"
}, - "id": 24862,
- "uitype": 1,
- "isViewable": true,
- "isReadOnly": false,
- "isCreatable": true,
- "isEditable": true,
- "isEditableReadOnly": false,
- "isEditableHidden": false,
- "sequence": 24862,
- "fieldparams": { },
- "blockId": 280,
- "helpInfo": "Edit,Detail",
- "dbStructure": {
- "name": "parent_id",
- "allowNull": true,
- "type": "integer",
- "phpType": "integer",
- "dbType": "int(10)",
- "defaultValue": "10",
- "enumValues": "",
- "size": 10,
- "precision": 10,
- "scale": 0,
- "isPrimaryKey": false,
- "autoIncrement": false,
- "unsigned": false,
- "comment": ""
}, - "queryOperators": { },
- "isEmptyPicklistOptionAllowed": false,
- "referenceList": {
- "property1": "Accounts",
- "property2": "Accounts"
}, - "treeValues": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 1,
- "tree": "T10",
- "parent": "T1",
- "text": "Tree value"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 1,
- "tree": "T10",
- "parent": "T1",
- "text": "Tree value"
}, - "defaultEditValue": {
- "value": "Some value",
- "raw": "T10"
}, - "property2": {
- "name": "subject",
- "label": "Subject",
- "type": "string",
- "mandatory": true,
- "defaultvalue": "",
- "presence": true,
- "quickcreate": true,
- "masseditable": true,
- "header_field": {
- "type": "value",
- "class": "badge-info"
}, - "maxlengthtext": 0,
- "maximumlength": "-2147483648,2147483647",
- "maxwidthcolumn": 0,
- "tabindex": 0,
- "fieldtype": "V",
- "picklistvalues": { },
- "date-format": "string",
- "time-format": "string",
- "currency_symbol": "string",
- "decimal_separator": "string",
- "group_separator": "string",
- "restrictedDomains": {
- "yeti.com": "yeti.com"
}, - "limit": 0,
- "formats": {
- "jpg": "jpg"
}, - "id": 24862,
- "uitype": 1,
- "isViewable": true,
- "isReadOnly": false,
- "isCreatable": true,
- "isEditable": true,
- "isEditableReadOnly": false,
- "isEditableHidden": false,
- "sequence": 24862,
- "fieldparams": { },
- "blockId": 280,
- "helpInfo": "Edit,Detail",
- "dbStructure": {
- "name": "parent_id",
- "allowNull": true,
- "type": "integer",
- "phpType": "integer",
- "dbType": "int(10)",
- "defaultValue": "10",
- "enumValues": "",
- "size": 10,
- "precision": 10,
- "scale": 0,
- "isPrimaryKey": false,
- "autoIncrement": false,
- "unsigned": false,
- "comment": ""
}, - "queryOperators": { },
- "isEmptyPicklistOptionAllowed": false,
- "referenceList": {
- "property1": "Accounts",
- "property2": "Accounts"
}, - "treeValues": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 1,
- "tree": "T10",
- "parent": "T1",
- "text": "Tree value"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 1,
- "tree": "T10",
- "parent": "T1",
- "text": "Tree value"
}, - "defaultEditValue": {
- "value": "Some value",
- "raw": "T10"
}, - "blocks": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 195,
- "tabid": 9,
- "label": "Account details",
- "sequence": 1,
- "showtitle": 0,
- "visible": 0,
- "increateview": 0,
- "ineditview": 0,
- "indetailview": 0,
- "display_status": 2,
- "iscustom": 0,
- "icon": "far fa-calendar-alt",
- "name": "Informacje podstawowe o firmie"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 195,
- "tabid": 9,
- "label": "Account details",
- "sequence": 1,
- "showtitle": 0,
- "visible": 0,
- "increateview": 0,
- "ineditview": 0,
- "indetailview": 0,
- "display_status": 2,
- "iscustom": 0,
- "icon": "far fa-calendar-alt",
- "name": "Informacje podstawowe o firmie"
}, - "inventory": {
- "1": {
- "property1": {
- "label": "Unit price",
- "type": "UnitPrice",
- "columnname": "price",
- "isSummary": false,
- "isVisibleInDetail": true
}, - "property2": {
- "label": "Unit price",
- "type": "UnitPrice",
- "columnname": "price",
- "isSummary": false,
- "isVisibleInDetail": true
Privileges for module actions
Gets the list of actions that the user has access to in the module
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "EditView": true,
- "Delete": true,
- "DetailView": true,
- "CreateView": true
Data for the record
Gets the details of a record
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
recordId required | integer Example: 116 Record id |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
x-raw-data | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Gets raw data |
x-parent-id | integer Example: 5 Parent record id |
x-fields-params | object (Custom field settings) Example: {"password":{"showHiddenData":true}} JSON array - list of fields to be returned in the specified way |
Response samples
- 200
- 403
- 404
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "name": "Driving school",
- "id": 152,
- "fields": {
- "field_name_1": "Field label 1",
- "field_name_2": "Field label 2",
- "assigned_user_id": "Assigned user",
- "createdtime": "Created time"
}, - "data": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "privileges": {
- "isEditable": true,
- "moveToTrash": false
}, - "inventory": { },
- "summaryInventory": { },
- "rawData": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "rawInventory": { }
Edit record
Retrieves data for editing a record
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
recordId required | integer Example: 116 Record id |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Contents of the request contains an associative array with the data record.
Record data in user format for edit view
Request samples
- Payload
{- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
Response samples
- 200
- 406
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "id": 22,
- "name": "YetiForce Name",
- "skippedData": { }
Delete record
Changes the state of a record, moving it to the trash
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
recordId required | integer Example: 116 Record id |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": 0,
- "result": true
Create record
Create new record
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Contents of the request contains an associative array with the data record.
Record data in user format for edit view
Request samples
- Payload
{- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
Response samples
- 200
- 406
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "id": 22,
- "name": "YetiForce Name",
- "skippedData": { }
Record history
Gets the history of the record
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
recordId required | integer Example: 116 Record id |
header Parameters
x-row-limit | integer Example: 50 Get rows limit, default: 100 |
x-page | integer Example: 1 Page number, default: 1 |
x-start-with | integer Example: 5972 Show history from given ID |
x-raw-data | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Gets raw data |
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Response samples
- 200
- 403
- 404
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "records": {
- "property1": {
- "time": "2019-10-07 08:32:38",
- "owner": "System Admin",
- "status": "changed",
- "rawTime": "2019-10-07 08:32:38",
- "rawOwner": 1,
- "rawStatus": "LBL_UPDATED",
- "data": {
- "property1": {
- "label": "Name",
- "value": "Jan Kowalski",
- "raw": "Jan Kowalski"
}, - "property2": {
- "label": "Name",
- "value": "Jan Kowalski",
- "raw": "Jan Kowalski"
}, - "property2": {
- "time": "2019-10-07 08:32:38",
- "owner": "System Admin",
- "status": "changed",
- "rawTime": "2019-10-07 08:32:38",
- "rawOwner": 1,
- "rawStatus": "LBL_UPDATED",
- "data": {
- "property1": {
- "label": "Name",
- "value": "Jan Kowalski",
- "raw": "Jan Kowalski"
}, - "property2": {
- "label": "Name",
- "value": "Jan Kowalski",
- "raw": "Jan Kowalski"
}, - "isMorePages": true
Related list of records
Gets a list of related records
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
recordId required | integer Example: 116 Record id |
relatedModuleName required | string Example: Contacts Related module name |
query Parameters
relationId | integer Relation id |
cvId | integer Custom view id |
header Parameters
x-raw-data | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Gets raw data |
x-row-limit | integer Example: 1000 Get rows limit, default: 100 |
x-row-offset | integer Offset, default: 0 |
x-fields | Array of strings JSON array in the list of fields to be returned in response |
General - Condition for query generator (object) or General - Conditions for query generator (object) (General - Mix conditions for query generator) Conditions [Json format] | |
x-only-column | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Return only column names |
object (Sort conditions) Set the sorted results by columns [Json format] |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "headers": {
- "field_name_1": "Field label 1",
- "field_name_2": "Field label 2",
- "assigned_user_id": "Assigned user",
- "createdtime": "Created time"
}, - "records": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "permissions": {
- "property1": {
- "isEditable": true,
- "moveToTrash": true
}, - "property2": {
- "isEditable": true,
- "moveToTrash": true
}, - "rawData": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "numberOfRecords": 20,
- "isMorePages": true,
- "numberOfAllRecords": 54
List of records
Gets a list of records
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
header Parameters
x-raw-data | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Gets raw data |
x-row-limit | integer Example: 50 Get rows limit, default: 100 |
x-row-offset | integer Offset, default: 0 |
x-fields | Array of strings JSON array in the list of fields to be returned in response |
General - Condition for query generator (object) or General - Conditions for query generator (object) (General - Mix conditions for query generator) Conditions [Json format] | |
x-only-column | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Return only column names |
x-parent-id | integer Example: 5 Parent record id |
x-cv-id | integer Example: 5 Custom view ID |
object (Sort conditions) Set the sorted results by columns [Json format] |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "headers": {
- "field_name_1": "Field label 1",
- "field_name_2": "Field label 2",
- "assigned_user_id": "Assigned user",
- "createdtime": "Created time"
}, - "records": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "permissions": {
- "property1": {
- "isEditable": true,
- "moveToTrash": true
}, - "property2": {
- "isEditable": true,
- "moveToTrash": true
}, - "rawData": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "numberOfRecords": 20,
- "isMorePages": true,
- "numberOfAllRecords": 54
Related list of modules
Gets a list of related modules
path Parameters
moduleName required | string Example: Contacts Module name |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "base": {
- "property1": {
- "type": "Summary",
- "label": "Summary",
- "icon": "fas fa-desktop"
}, - "property2": {
- "type": "Summary",
- "label": "Summary",
- "icon": "fas fa-desktop"
}, - "related": {
- "property1": {
- "label": "Documents",
- "relationId": 3,
- "relatedModuleName": "Documents",
- "icon": "yfm-Documents",
- "actions": [
- "add",
- "select"
], - "viewType": [
- "RelatedTab",
- "DetailBottom"
], - "customView": [
- "relation",
- "all"
}, - "property2": {
- "label": "Documents",
- "relationId": 3,
- "relatedModuleName": "Documents",
- "icon": "yfm-Documents",
- "actions": [
- "add",
- "select"
], - "viewType": [
- "RelatedTab",
- "DetailBottom"
], - "customView": [
- "relation",
- "all"
Download files
Download files from the system
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Action parameters to download the file
module required | string Module name |
actionName required | string Enum: "MultiImage" "DownloadFile" Action name |
record required | integer Record ID |
field | string Field name. Required for MultiImage action |
key | string Unique key for attachment. Required for MultiImage action |
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 406
{- "status": 0,
- "error": {
- "message": "Invalid method",
- "code": 405,
- "file": "api\\webservice\\WebserviceStandard\\BaseAction\\Files.php",
- "line": 101,
- "previous": { },
- "backtrace": "#0 api\\webservice\\WebserviceStandard\\BaseAction\\Files.php (101) ...."
The allowed actions of the module list
Get the permitted module list action, along with their translated action
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "property1": "Accounts",
- "property2": "Accounts"
History of access activity data
Get user history of access activity
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
x-row-limit | integer Example: 1000 Get rows limit, default: 50 |
x-row-offset | integer Offset, default: 0 |
x-condition | object (General - Conditions for native query) Example: {"column_name1":"searched value 1","column_name2":"searched value 2"} Conditions [Json format] |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "property1": {
- "time": "2021-06-01 11:57",
- "status": "Signed in",
- "agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0",
- "ip": ""
}, - "property2": {
- "time": "2021-06-01 11:57",
- "status": "Signed in",
- "agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0",
- "ip": ""
User password change
User password change
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Input data
currentPassword required | string (Current password) |
newPassword required | string (New password) |
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": 0,
- "result": false
Logs user
Logs user into the system
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Input data format
userName required | string Webservice user name |
password required | string Webservice user password |
code | string 2FA TOTP code (optional property), Pass code length = 6, Code period = 30 |
object Additional parameters sent by the user, extending the current settings, e.g. language |
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 405
- 412
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "token": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstri",
- "name": "string",
- "lastLoginTime": "2019-10-07 08:32:38",
- "lastLogoutTime": "",
- "language": "pl-PL",
- "type": 0,
- "login_method": "PLL_PASSWORD_2FA",
- "logged": true,
- "preferences": {
- "hour_format": "24",
- "start_hour": "08:00",
- "end_hour": "16:00",
- "date_format": "yyyy-mm-dd",
- "time_zone": "Europe/Warsaw",
- "raw_time_zone": "UTC",
- "currency_id": 1,
- "currency_grouping_pattern": "123,456,789",
- "currency_decimal_separator": ".",
- "currency_grouping_separator": " ",
- "currency_symbol_placement": "1.0$",
- "no_of_currency_decimals": 2,
- "currency_name": "Poland, Zlotych",
- "currency_code": "PLN",
- "currency_symbol": "zł",
- "conv_rate": 1
}, - "authy_methods": "PLL_AUTHY_TOTP",
- "2faObligatory": true
Data for the user
Gets details about the user
path Parameters
userId required | integer Example: 116 User id |
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
x-raw-data | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Gets raw data |
Response samples
- 200
- 403
- 404
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "name": "System Admin",
- "id": 1,
- "fields": {
- "field_name_1": "Field label 1",
- "field_name_2": "Field label 2"
}, - "data": { },
- "privileges": {
- "isEditable": true,
- "moveToTrash": false
}, - "rawData": { }
Create user
Create new user
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Contents of the request contains an associative array with the user data.
User data in user format for create view
Request samples
- Payload
{- "user_name": "tom",
- "first_name": "Tom",
- "last_name": "Kowalski",
- "roleid": "H38",
- "password": "MyFunP@ssword",
- "confirm_password": "MyFunP@ssword",
- "email1": "my@email.com",
- "language": "en-US"
Response samples
- 200
- 406
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "id": 22,
- "name": "YetiForce Name",
- "skippedData": { }
List of users
Gets a list of all users
header Parameters
x-raw-data | integer Enum: 0 1 Example: 1 Gets raw data |
x-row-limit | integer Example: 1000 Get rows limit, default: 1000 |
x-row-offset | integer Offset, default: 0 |
object (Sort conditions) Set the sorted results by columns [Json format] | |
x-fields | Array of strings JSON array in the list of fields to be returned in response |
General - Condition for query generator (object) or General - Conditions for query generator (object) (General - Mix conditions for query generator) Conditions [Json format] | |
x-parent-id | integer Example: 5 Parent record id |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "headers": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "records": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": "YetiForce Administrator",
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51"
}, - "rawData": {
- "property1": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "property2": {
- "id": 11,
- "field_name_1": "Tom",
- "field_name_2": "Kowalski",
- "assigned_user_id": 1,
- "createdtime": "2014-09-24 20:51:12"
}, - "count": 54,
- "isMorePages": true
User password reset-Passwordchange
User password reset - Password change
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Input data
token required | string A one-time password reset token |
password required | string New password |
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 405
{- "status": 0,
- "result": false
User password reset-Generatingandsendingaone-timetoken
User password reset - Generating and sending a one-time token
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Request Body schema: required
Input data
userName required | string User name / email |
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 200
- 404
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "expirationDate": "2019-10-07 08:32:38",
- "mailerStatus": true
2FA details
Get two factor authentication details
header Parameters
X-ENCRYPTED required | integer (Header - Encrypted) Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Is the content request is encrypted |
Response samples
- 200
- 405
- 500
{- "status": 0,
- "result": {
- "authMethods": "TOTP",
- "secretKey": "LJUJWCOEGUKP6WS2"