Contributing / Community
Opensource & contributions
One of the many advantages of open source software is the fact that everyone can contribute to its development. If you don't have any programming experience, but you would like to contribute to the YetiForce system, you can always help us develop our documentation or translate the language files. If you are a developer who would like to contribute to YetiForce, you can send us your comments regarding the code, bug fixes, or even entire functionalities.
Jak współtworzyć YetiForce
📄️ Contributing Code | Development
You can send us bug fixes, modifications, or entire functionalities
📄️ Translations
You can submit your translations via Crowdin - a platform that allows the Community to translate software into any language.
📄️ Contributing to the Documentation
You can help us develop our documentation by adding new articles or fixing any errors you found in the ones that we already posted.
📄️ Issues and discussions
Issues and discussions
Meet the contributors
Below you can find all the people who contributed to developing the YetiForce System, YetiForce Portal, and Yetiforce Documentation by submitting their contributions to our GitHub repository.
Thank you for all your hard work!