YetiForce CLI
This functionality is available for YetiForce version 6.2.0
and later
Description of the CLI (Command Line Interface) to support custom YetiForce operations.
How to launch YetiForce CLI
Always launch the console from the main YetiForce system catalogue, that is, where the cli.php file is located.
YetiForce CLI must always be launched on the operating system user who owns the YetiForce system files.
Possible commands depending on the environment:
php cli.php
/usr/local/php74/bin/php74 cli.php
sudo -u yfprod php cli.php
Help available after adding the -h
php cli.php -h
Available YFCLI modules
📄️ Cleaner
Opis czyszczenia tymczasowych danych w systemie YetiForce za pomocą CLI
📄️ Environment
Informacje o środowisku/serwerze w systemie YetiForce za pomocą CLI
📄️ Data Eraser
Description of how to remove data from YetiForce using CLI
📄️ Roundcube
Opis funkcji dla klienta poczty w systemie YetiForce za pomocą CLI
📄️ System
Description of the YetiForce system management functions via CLI
📄️ Users
Description of the YetiForce system management functions via CLI