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Version: 7.x

First connection

Once you have the API key and credentials properly configured (according to the configuration instructions), you can establish a connection. To retrieve data from the server, you must first obtain an authentication token. The instructions below explain how to do this.

Obtain an Authentication Token

To obtain a token, send a request to your server at the following address:

request 1

You can use Postman to test this process. The following screenshots will guide you step by step how to do it.

First, you will need the API Key value. To download it, in the administration section, select Integration ➞ Web service - applications from the left menu, select the relevant key, and click the button to copy its value.


In Postman add the X-API-KEY header. Instead of the {{APi-KEY}} value enter the API Key value copied from the YetiForce system.

request 2

Then enter the credentials, according to the screenshot below. Instead of the {{URL}} variable, provide the address of your YetiForce platform. Enter the userName and password credentials according to the values ​​set in the administration section in the Integration ➞ Web service - users tab.

You will receive the token parameter as feedback, which you will pass in subsequent requests.

request 3

Next requests

Once you get the token value, you can proceed to query the API for the relevant data. To do this, add the x-token header with the value of the obtained token to subsequent requests.

request 4

Depending on whether you have purchased the WebService Premium service or use WebService Standard, you will have a different range of available endpoints at your disposal.

List of Endpoints for services