System migration or recovery
Migrating or restoring the system from backup takes place in a few steps. By mieć pewność, że wykonujesz ją poprawnie, zapoznaj się z artykułem poniżej.
Video guide
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Upload files to the web root directory
It is best to unpack the files directly on the server, which will preserve the original permissions on the files.
If you have a separate copy of the storage directory, like in case of YetiForce Cloud you need to unpack the backup copy to __YETIFORCE_PATH__/storage
so that there is no storage directory in this directory, and only the following data directories instead:
In order to properly transfer the system to another server, you should make a complete copy of the system (files and database). It is best to use compression software, e.g.
zip -r `date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"`.zip __YETIFORCE_PATH__ -q
tar -zcvf /var/www/html/`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"`.tar.gz /var/www/html/
No error can occur during the transfer or recovery of the system, as the database may later turn out to be corrupted.
Upload the database
Upload the database using the CLI console (recommended) or a database client eg.
mysql -P 3306 -h -u yetiforce -p yetiforce < dump.sql
Update the configuration files
After uploading the files and importing the database we should update the following files:
/** Backslash is required at the end of URL */
public static $site_URL = '';
/** Gets the database server */
public static $db_server = 'localhost';
/** Gets the database port */
public static $db_port = '3306';
/** Gets the database user name */
public static $db_username = 'root';
/** Gets the database password */
public static $db_password = '';
/** Gets the database name */
public static $db_name = 'yetiforce';
The parameters below are also worth checking:
/** Restricted domains */
/** Allowed domains for loading images, used in CSP. */
public static $allowedImageDomains = [];
/** Generally allowed domains, used in CSP. */
public static $generallyAllowedDomains = ['', ''];
/** List of allowed domains for fields with HTML support */
public static $purifierAllowedDomains = ['', ''];
Verify if enforcing HTTPS is enabled. There might be problems if HTTPS was on the old server and the redirection was enabled and the new server has no active HTTPS.
/** Force site access to always occur under SSL (https) for selected areas. You will not be able to access selected areas under non-ssl. Note, you must have SSL enabled on your server to utilise this option. */
public static $forceHttpsRedirection = false;
Check if communication through proxy
is enabled
/** Proxy protocol: http, https, tcp */
public static $proxyProtocol = '';
/** Proxy host */
public static $proxyHost = '';
/** Proxy port */
public static $proxyPort = 0;
/** Proxy login */
public static $proxyLogin = '';
/** Proxy password */
public static $proxyPassword = '';
If you have a backup directory available on the server, you can enable it (this may require configuration of file permissions)
/** Backup catalog path. */
public static $BACKUP_PATH = '';
Check if configuration complies with requirements
Whenever the system is migrated, restored from backup, or the LAMP server is updated, it is important to check the system’s configuration in the built-in verification tool (Administrator documentation → Logs → Server - configuration) or in the article YetiForce requirements.
Don't use the server if it doesn't meet the requirements, as it may result in data loss. Fix any parameters that are highlighted in yellow or red.
It is also important that the owner of the files is the same as the user running the web server (apache, nginx).
Run CRON and verify its operation.
Re-register your system
Migrating to a new server or restoring it from a backup requires re-registration of the system.
Update addons
System settings → Integration → Mail integration panel
YetiForce Outlook Integration Panel
Requires reinstallation and the installation of a new XML file.
The old addon installed in Outlook should be removed and the new XML file from the system panel should be downloaded according to the instructions.
Create a test environment
If you create a test environment, it is worth introducing some important changes that will help you distinguish and secure the environments.
Change user passowrds
Visual differentiation of environments
Display a test environment notice on the login page and on the top bar of the system.
From version 6.2
it is possible to add in the configuration file config/Main.php some additional messages.
/** Header alert message */
public static $headerAlertMessage = '';
/** Header alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info */
public static $headerAlertType = '';
/** Header alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle */
public static $headerAlertIcon = '';
/** Login page alert message */
public static $loginPageAlertMessage = '';
/** Login page alert type, ex. alert-primary, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info */
public static $loginPageAlertType = '';
/** Login page alert icon, ex. fas fa-exclamation-triangle, fas fa-exclamation-circle, fas fa-exclamation, far fa-question-circle, fas fa-info-circle */
public static $loginPageAlertIcon = '';
Change the sender name in SMTP or disable the CRON task responsible for sending out emails
Messages sent from the new environment will look the same as the ones sent from the production environment, so it is worth disabling or changing the sender names in SMTP to be able to distinguish between these e-mail messages.
Panel: System settings → Automation → CRON
Change API keys
It is worth changing the API access data to make them different for each environment. So that someone who has access to the test version will not be able to get data from the production version.
Panel: System settings → Integration → Web service - Applications